LANSING – House Democratic Floor Leader Sam Singh (D-East Lansing) introduced House Resolution 138 today to direct the Select Committee to Examine the Qualifications of Representatives Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser to refer the full, unedited House Business Office report and all related notes and documents to law enforcement officials for investigative purposes. He also calls for the Attorney General’s office and the Michigan State Police to conduct an investigation, and urges that the committee not make any recommendations on Reps. Courser and Gamrat until the investigation is completed.

“We have a duty to the people of Michigan – the taxpayers whose funds are at the heart of this matter – to do our due diligence in finding out the truth about what happened,” Singh said. “To do that, a criminal investigation must take place to further the findings of this report.”

The select committee is currently determining if Reps. Todd Courser (R-Lapeer) and Cindy Gamrat (R-Plainwell) are fit to continue serving as legislators for their respective House districts. A House Business Office investigation has found evidence of misuse of state funds and resources, along with casting serious doubt as to the professional and personal conduct of the two Republican lawmakers.

“To expel or censure a member of the House of Representatives is a grave responsibility. We cannot take lightly the decision to overturn the will of the constituents in each district who elected these two to serve,” added Singh. “I think we owe it to their constituents, and all citizens of this state, to make sure all facets of this matter are fully investigated and understood. Out of respect to this institution, we must adhere to due process.”