LANSING, Mich., March 18, 2025 — The Detroit News published a story last night raising questions about if state Rep. Bryan Posthumus (R-Cannon Twp.) actually, lives in the district he represents — which could be a violation according to Michigan election law. The article explains that Posthumus owns a small condo within the 90th House District, which he represents. However, his wife owns a home in the 80th House District, which is represented by state Rep. Phil Skaggs (D-East Grand Rapids), raising questions about where exactly he resides. These questions ironically come on the heels of Posthumus recently introducing a resolution regarding election integrity and amending the constitution to roll back voting rights. In response to the news, Skaggs issued the following statement:
“This smells like a classic case of Republican hypocrisy and dishonesty. Rep. Posthumus talks a big game about taking charge on defending election integrity in Michigan, and yet, his actions seem super sketchy — if his actual residence is not in the district he represents, then he has been lying to the very people who elected him to serve. Does Rep. Posthumus live with his wife and family outside District 90 or is his condo part of an elaborate ruse to fool voters into believing he lives somewhere he does not. If you’re going to talk about election integrity, then you better not be committing election fraud. Michiganders deserve to know that they are being fairly represented in their state Legislature. If Republicans really want to address election integrity in Michigan, they should start with their own homes. My Democratic colleagues and I will keep fighting for integrity in our elections, even if Republicans are cheating Michiganders of their rights. If I was Republican leadership, I’d be demanding answers and accountability.”