Lawmaker highlights infrastructure, local investments

EAST GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., June 28, 2024 — The Michigan Legislature passed the final state budget for the 2025 fiscal year ahead of the legally required July 1 deadline. Democratic leaders crafted a budget focused on strategic, targeted investments that improve the lives of people and hometowns across Michigan without raising taxes. After the vote, state Rep. Phil Skaggs (D-East Grand Rapids) issued the following statement:

“The passage of the budget is a testament to House Democrat’s commitment to investing in the people of Michigan and their hometowns. This budget prioritizes community prosperity, health, housing and education, ensuring that Michigan is a place where families can thrive. We’re investing in strong, vibrant communities that people are proud to call home. This budget puts people over politics, delivering resources to strengthen our schools, neighborhoods and main street economies.”

The budget includes several items that will specifically benefit communities that Skaggs represents, including the communities of Grand Rapids, East Grand Rapids, Kentwood and Cascade. Notable highlights include:

  • $2 million for the Grand Rapids Ford International Airport.
  • $527,000 for the Grant Rapids Civic Theatre.
  • $12.5 million for Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services
  • $1.5 million for St. Mark’s Community Outreach Center.
  • $2 million for Meals on Wheels Western Michigan.
  • $500,000 for the Conductive Learning Center.
  • $9.7 million for the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans.
  • $200,000 for Mosaic Counseling expansion of mental health services in Kent County.
  • $125,000 for Hunger Free Campus pilot program at Grand Rapids Community College.
  • $3 million to Grand Rapids to install a community solar array at the Butterworth Landfill.
  • $1.5 million to a Grand Rapids nonprofit organization for an affordable housing project.
  • $796,036 has been awarded to several local businesses from the Going Pro Talent Fund”. 

Skaggs expressed his enthusiasm for the recent allocation of $2 million in state funds to the Grand Rapids Ford International Airport. “These state funds will be a game changer,” Skaggs said. “They will help draw down federal dollars, enabling our airport to grow and better serve our community.”

“The new tower is a crucial component of the airport’s expansion plans, allowing for the development of a third terminal to accommodate increased flights, an onsite hotel and improved cargo and rental car facilities.

“The airport is an economic engine powering growth for the entire region,” Skaggs concluded.
