BURTON – State Representative Charles Smiley (D-Burton) is inviting residents to attend an Education Task Force meeting on Monday, April 25, in Burton to provide testimony on the Governor’s proposed cuts to school funding.
“The Governor’s proposal balances the budget on the backs of our children by cutting education funding and that’s wrong,” said Smiley. “I encourage people to come out and let their voices be heard. We must stand up for our children and protect their right to get a quality education.”
Smiley is hosting the meeting from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Bendle High School, 2283 East Scottwood Avenue. Burton, MI 48529.
Joining Smiley will be State Representative Jim Ananich (D-Flint), who serves on the Appropriations School Aid Subcommittee.
The Governor’s proposed budget eliminates $1.1 billion from the School Aid Fund to address a $1.4 billion budget deficit. Under his budget, schools would effectively face cuts of at least $715 per student, which will likely result in increased class sizes and outdated textbooks and technology in classrooms.
Smiley encourages residents to visit www.fightschoolcuts.com and sign a petition to help rally support for our kids.