SPRINGFIELD, Mich, Nov. 30, 2023 — Residents of Springfield will see major improvements to Avenue A after the city was awarded a $375,000 Michigan Department of Transportation grant aimed at improving local roads. Avenue A is a main corridor between Dickman and Helmer Roads. The project will include milling and replacing the existing surface and has a total project cost of $529,000.

“Congratulations to Springfield on winning this competitive grant to fix our local roads. Avenue A is an important connection between two major roads that many of us drive every day,” said state Rep. Jim Haadsma (D-Battle Creek).

The Category F grants, designated for eligible road agencies, aim to preserve and expand all-season road networks within the urban areas of rural counties. This substantial investment in Avenue A aligns with Springfield’s ongoing efforts to enhance local infrastructure, fostering safer and more efficient travel routes for its citizens.
