State Rep. Tyrone Carter (D-Detroit) delivers a speech on the House floor, March 18, 2024.
LANSING, Mich., May 8, 2024 — The Michigan House of Representatives passed its version of the fiscal 2024-25 budget today. It includes substantial investments in Michigan students, local economies, and the safety and wellbeing of Michiganders. After voting on the budget, state Rep. Tyrone Carter (D-Detroit) issued the following statement on the budget:
“Ultimately, this budget gets it right by investing locally and funding the development and training of the next generation of public safety and police officers across the state. This budget also invests in peer-led interventions that support parolees with their provisional return to society by increasing funding for mentoring, coaching, and navigating resources.
The House budget includes a number of investments to reduce recidivism and increase the reentry successes of justice-involved individuals. Specifically:
- $110.9 million for the Public Safety Trust Fund to keep recruiting, training and retaining qualified public safety officers across Michigan.
- $1.9 million to the Detroit Detention Center to help offset higher-than-expected costs for nurses and janitorial services.
- $1.5 million re-invested from the Offender Success Program and $2 million added for peer-led re-entry Services
- $900,000 for In-reach Service, expanding the services offered for pre-parole planning like housing, food security, transportation and employment needs for Michiganders returning to society.