Statement for Rep. Patrick Green (D-Warren) on approval of an Appropriations Supplemental, which includes investment in infrastructure

 LANSING —“Today, I voted yes on a supplemental appropriation to invest $1.5 million to fund the Michigan Infrastructure Council. In 2016, the 21st Century Infrastructure Commission recommended the Legislature establish a statewide integrated asset management system and a pilot program for upgrading our state’s infrastructure, including our roads, bridges, water, and sewer systems. I remain as committed to increased investment in our infrastructure as I was on my first day in office, when I introduced HB 4016, legislation to create the 21st Century Infrastructure Council and implement such an asset management pilot program. Our concrete commitment to fixing Michigan’s crumbling infrastructure served as a catalyst for further action. Soon after, Governor Snyder passed Executive Order 2017-1 to accomplish the same goal, and I am excited the executive and legislative branch have worked together to support this initiative through an initial funding mechanism.”