“It’s extremely disappointing to see the Governor push for and enact such a disastrous tax plan that doesn’t promise a single new job, but instead forces Michigan’s seniors and families to pay the price for Republicans’ misguided ideology that puts corporations over people. For months now, we’ve heard over and over again the same old line from the Governor and Republican leaders about ‘shared sacrifice,’ but we have yet to see them live up to their word. This new tax structure puts the weight of that sacrifice solely on our residents by imposing new taxes on the pensions our seniors worked for all of their lives, permanently ending a major source of funding for our children’s education and slashing the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit, which supports hundreds of thousands of working families across the state. Balancing the budget on the backs of our seniors, children and working families in order to pay for an 82 percent tax break for corporations is nothing more than a massive giveaway to businesses with no accountability and no guarantee of new jobs.”