“Tonight, we heard Gov. Rick Snyder lay out his vision for Michigan during his 2017 State of the State address. It’s a vision we’ve heard before, but the policies behind it continue to be out of touch and have led to larger income disparities across the state. His vision for lower taxes ended up cutting them for businesses while increasing them for seniors and our most vulnerable residents. His vision for less regulatory oversight and state-appointed emergency managers has poisoned an entire generation of children who to this day still do not have safe drinking water. And his vision for education has been led by special interests who convinced him to open the doors to unchecked for-profit charter schools while overall state student achievement has remained stagnant or decreased compared to the national average since 2011. Democrats have a different vision for Michigan, and it’s one that leaves no family, senior or student behind. One that respects and honors the promises we made to our educators and first responders. One that ensures we all succeed.”