LANSING — Gov. Rick Snyder made his annual budget presentation today. In response, House Democratic Leader Sam Singh (D-East Lansing) issued the following statement:

“The small increases proposed in this budget don’t make up for the last seven years of missed opportunities and underfunding of our schools, roads and communities. This is a welcome first step in the right direction, but until we commit to fully addressing our state budget crisis, we are failing Michigan families.

“For seven years, Republican budgets have prioritized wealthy corporations and stacked the deck against working families and public schools. Gov. Rick Snyder and Republican legislators have left Michigan struggling to keep up with surrounding states as we compete for the best jobs and opportunities for our young people. It’s time to build a state budget that flips that script and puts working people and kids first again, so that they have a fair shot at reaching economic freedom for their families and fulfilling their dreams.”