“No one disputes the severe mismanagement of the Pontiac School District. However, more can be done at the state level to provide adequate funding to all schools in Michigan. The lack of funding, in both per-pupil dollars and categorical funds, has harmed this school district and many others across Michigan, for years. The Pontiac School District receives well-below average funding from the state, despite having a high proportion of economically disadvantaged kids. Bloomfield Hills School District which borders the Pontiac district receives 50 percent more per student from the state.

“There are 54 other school districts around the state that are on the verge of emergency management due to lack of funding. In addition, the track record of emergency managers in the Detroit Public Schools, the Highland Park School District and the Muskegon Heights School District has been abysmal. In those places, emergency managers have failed to solve financial mismanagement and haven’t improved educational outcomes for students. Emergency Managers are not an effective solution and in those areas are focused on short-term budget cuts as opposed to what’s best for students. I will continue to fight to ensure all kids in Pontiac receive the education they deserve, and I remain committed to working with all interested parties, parents and teachers, to improve educational outcomes for students.”