Today on the House floor, one word resonated: misinformed. House Bill 4647 passed by a slim majority of 55 to 52. HB 4647 is flawed legislation pushing new and recently graduated teachers into a defined contribution plan instead of the current hybrid pension plan. Once again, my Democratic colleagues and I offered several important amendments to ensure teachers receive the support they deserve, and once again, constitutional rights to a record roll call vote on the amendments were ignored. Over the last few legislative sessions, Republican leadership has continually rushed controversial bills through the legislative process, denying the public fair time to address the implications of the legislation. The MPSERS reform package rushed to a vote on the House Floor in one day was no exception. HB 4647 reflects yet another unfortunate trend we have seen in Lansing over the last few years: cutting funding to students’ classrooms. The legislation diverts funding from classrooms and does nothing to reduce pension liabilities. The talking points provided by the legislators supporting this bill are misinformed. As legislators, we have a responsibility to be informed for our constituents and protect the Michigan Constitution. Today, the body has failed to advance both of these goals. The people of Michigan deserve better.