LANSING — Today, construction and skilled trade workers from across Michigan rallied in front of the state Capitol in opposition to efforts to repeal the state’s prevailing wage laws. In response, state Rep. John Chirkun (D-Roseville) issued the following statement after speaking at the rally:

“When we put in a hard day’s work, we expect to make an honest wage. That’s what our constructions and skilled trade workers expect, and that’s what they receive because of our prevailing wage laws. I can’t support any effort to repeal our prevailing wage laws because that would just be stealing money from the people who build our roads, schools and other public buildings.

“Earning a fair wage supports workers, their families and our local shops and businesses who need their support in order to succeed. Local wages are even more important now because state revenue sharing is down, so our communities need residents to spend money here at home to drive our local economies. I support our workers, our families and our local officials trying to provide the services we all need, and that’s why I support our prevailing wage laws.”