LANSING – Today, state Rep. Patrick Green (D-Warren) introduced House Resolution 438, declaring Nov. 29, 2018, as Metastatic Breast Cancer Research Awareness Day in the state of Michigan. Metastatic breast cancer (MBC) occurs when cancerous cells spread to other areas of the body through the bloodstream and lymph nodes. It has only a 22 percent survival rate, and nearly 40,000 Americans die from MBC each year. The House adopted the resolution, and in response, Rep. Green issued the following statement:


“In this year alone, an estimated 1,400 Michigan women will pass away due to this devastating disease. Despite being the most common form of stage four cancer in women, MBC receives a disproportionately low share of the funding intended for breast cancer research. As a society, we have to do more. By declaring this day of awareness, we can both honor those who have lost their fight with MBC and promote an increase in late-stage cancer research.”