LANSING — Today, students from Detroit joined students around the country in a school walk out to protest gun violence. In response, state Rep. Sherry Gay-Dagnogo (D-Detroit) issued the following statement:

“As a former Detroit Public Schools teacher, I can’t imagine how I’d react if I had ever been faced with a moment of indescribable violence and horror like the one students in Parkland, Fla., Newtown, Conn., and far too many other places have known. Although I now serve in the Legislature, I still feel as though all students are still my children, and that it’s still my job to protect them and to do everything I can to see them go on to become thriving adults. I was thrilled to see so many young people participating in a national walk out to lift their voices against gun violence, and it was a great honor to be asked to stand beside them.

“I want what happened today to be just the start of a conversation, not the end of one. On Monday, March 19, a delegation of Detroit Caucus members will meet with Detroit Public Schools Community District Superintendent Nikolai P. Vitti to discuss the strategies the district is implementing to keep students safe. A discussion with students will follow on Friday, March 23, at the Communications and Media Arts High School, 14771 Mansfield St. in Detroit, at 9 a.m.

“Gun violence is a complex problem, so it’s not possible for it to have a single, solitary answer. We must explore a number of solutions. I am pleased to have ongoing discussions with my Republican colleague, state Rep. Tim Kelly, to discuss bipartisan solutions that will equip all schools with additional School Resource Officers.

“Finally, I’d ask that you’d join me in saying a word of prayer for all of our students safety throughout this day of national demonstration to stop gun violence.”