LANSING — Today, the House Appropriations Committee voted out legislation that would rob hundreds of thousands of Michiganders of their health care through the Healthy Michigan plan. The legislation passed primarily on party lines, with Democrats voting no. In response, state Rep. Sylvia Santana (D-Detroit) issued the following statement:
“SB 897 is still bad for the people of Michigan, plain and simple. The vast majority of Medicaid participants already work, and to put them at risk for losing their health care because of fluctuation in their work schedules that they can’t control is callous and unnecessary.
“I can’t in good conscience support a measure that puts families at risk. People need access to affordable healthcare; when they have it, they are more likely to seek preventative and routine care. We want people to be able to get care before a simple symptom turns into a serious illness because when you’re healthy, you’re able to work, to be active in your community and to help drive Michigan’s economy. I’m going to keep fighting for our state’s hardworking men and women to ensure they have access to quality and affordable health care.”