“It was of great concern today to hear that the School Reform Office has indicated it may close three schools in the area — two in Saginaw and one in Bridgeport — including my alma mater. Sadly, we have known for quite some time that our schools are underfunded, a statewide study released last year, indicated we should be appropriating approximately $1,200 more per pupil. Yet instead of allocating more resources to help improve these schools, the state watched with indifference as they fell in quality and rankings, with little regard for the children attending them. Our state must acknowledge the fact that when the state chose to close the former Buena Vista School District, they simply shuffled those children into the Saginaw and Bridgeport School Districts without providing them adequate resources to address this new increased student population. Simply closing the schools will not improve the students’ education nor change the outcome of the students’ test scores. For students who live in Buena Vista, this will be the second time they have experienced a school closure. Investments in public education are investments not only in our students, but in Michigan’s workers and leaders of tomorrow, and it is my hope that we can work together to help these schools improve.”