“Yesterday, after session went past 4 a.m., the House adjourned after resolving the expulsion of two state representatives, Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat. The result was Representative Courser resigning, and Representative Gamrat being expelled from the House by a vote of 91-12.

“For the majority of the night, and morning, I abstained from voting for a variety of reasons dealing with concerns I have with both the investigation and expulsion process. A compromise was finally struck with new language being added to the resolution which would send the investigation to the Michigan State Police and Michigan Attorney General. This independent investigation is absolutely necessary to complete the picture of the events that occurred. Although I am completely disgusted by the actions of both Reps. Courser and Gamrat, everyone deserves the right to due process. After the outcome was clear, Representative Courser resigned rather than face expulsion. Representative Gamrat refused to resign, and was subsequently expelled from the Michigan House.

“After the outside investigation was requested, Gov. Rick Snyder issued a statement saying, ‘This matter needs to be resolved, and an investigation by MSP will provide even further clarity. I hope this investigation helps bring closure to the issue for all involved.’ I agree with Gov. Snyder and many of my colleagues on the need for this investigation, and I am relieved that the House was finally able to resolve this issue which has done nothing but tarnish the reputation of the institution and our great state.”