Upcoming Virtual Town Hall
STATE REPRESENTATIVE PADMA KUPPA Hello Friends, I hope you are all staying safe [...]
STATE REPRESENTATIVE PADMA KUPPA Hello Friends, I hope you are all staying safe [...]
Dear Friends, I hope you and yours are remaining safe and healthy. I wanted to [...]
Hello Friends, I hope you are all staying safe and healthy. I wanted [...]
STATE REPRESENTATIVE PADMA KUPPA Hello Friends, I hope you are all staying [...]
STATE REPRESENTATIVE PADMA KUPPA Hello Friends, As we take the necessary [...]
Hello Friends, As our state prepares to safely reopen, we’re taking what [...]
Dear Neighbor, Thank you for your patience and resilience as we continue to do our best [...]
Dear Neighbor, I’m reaching out to invite you to join me for my upcoming virtual town hall [...]
Dear Neighbor, This ongoing public health crisis has left all of us with questions we’ve never [...]
Dear Friends, To combat the spread of COVID-19 in Michigan, Gov. Whitmer signed the Stay Home, [...]