State Rep. Penelope Tsernoglou (D-East Lansing) prepares to speak in support of her resolution to recognize this week as Infertility Awareness Week in Michigan at the State Capitol on April 25, 2023.
LANSING, Mich., April 25, 2023 — State Rep. Penelope Tsernoglou (D-East Lansing) introduced a resolution today to recognize this week as Infertility Awareness Week in Michigan. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 8 couples have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy. Infertility affects women and men equally and does not discriminate based on race, religion, sexual orientation, marital status or socioeconomic status. Tsernoglou issued the following statement on the resolution:
“As someone who has personally experienced the challenges of infertility, this is an issue that is near and dear to my heart. Infertility exacts a psychological, social, physical and financial toll on countless Michiganders. To anyone struggling with infertility, I see you, and I hope that this resolution will help us have a more honest and open conversation around these struggles and be more proactive in offering support.”