Dear Neighbor,
One of my favorite parts of serving as your state representative is connecting with Lansing residents on a one-on-one level to learn more about your priorities and offer assistance as needed. I want to invite you to join me for our Love Lansing Day event, taking place this Monday, May 17, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
We will be going door-to-door from 10-12 and 1-3, with a volunteer appreciation lunch in between. If you would like to participate, please RSVP here by Friday, May 14. Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone who may be interested, as well.
Below, you will find additional information on what we’ve accomplished during my first 100 days this term, along with my upcoming virtual coffee hour.
In service,
Sarah Anthony
State Representative, 68th House District
Upcoming Events
Love Lansing Day

When: Monday, May 17, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
How: Please RSVP by Friday, May 14, here.
Virtual Coffee Hour

I’ll be hosting my next virtual coffee hour on Monday, May 24, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. I will also be joined by my fellow Capital region legislator and special guest, state Rep. Kara Hope. I look forward to seeing you then!
When: Monday, May 24, from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
How: Keep and eye out for Zoom or RSVP information in the coming week!
First 100 Days of the 101st Legislature

Since the beginning of this legislative term, my team and I have been hard at work fighting for our shared priorities in the state Capitol. That’s included fighting for funding for the Capital region, COVID-19 relief funding for your wallets, investment in workforce development and public education, and support for small businesses and working families. I’m pleased to share a video update highlighting some of this important work for our community that I mentioned in my past e-newsletter. Please click here to watch!