Dear Friends and Neighbors,

During this difficult time in our state and country, it is my goal to stay connected with each of you in District 71. Please join me for a Facebook Live coffee hour on Friday, May 8 at 2 p.m. You will find the event directly on my Facebook page at that time, and no code is needed to join. I will give a state update along with answering any questions you may have. I look forward to speaking with you all soon.

Key points from our last coffee hour:

  • Reach out to our office if you are having an issue with unemployment, we will do what we can to help.
    • When you do reach out to our office please provide your:
      • Full first and last name
      • Phone number
      • Summary of issue
      • Address
      • And claim number if you have it
  • You can now find the closest testing location near in our district by heading over to the website.
    • Click the link to “Find a testing site near you”, enter your address and submit.
  • Last week, Gov. Whitmer also signed Executive Order 2020-70, which beginning on May 7 will allow the resumption of some types of work that present a very low risk of infection, such as construction, real-estate activities, and work that is traditionally and primarily performed outdoors.
    • The order also requires businesses to adopt measures to protect their workers against the spread of COVID-19.


Angela Witwer

State Representative, 71st House District