Dear Neighbor,


Water Protection Town Hall

I am writing to let you know about the upcoming townhall I am hosting about protecting our water and holding polluters accountable. As you may know, this has been a major legislative focus of mine. I will be joined by representatives of the Department of Energy, Great Lakes, and Environment (EGLE), environmental advocacy organizations and special guest Sen. Jeff Irwin.


Water Protection Town Hall

Thursday, Feb. 27

6:30-8 p.m.

Tappan Middle School Auditorium, 2251 E. Stadium Blvd. in Ann Arbor


Yousef and You Forums

It is important to me to know what your priorities and opinions are, so that I can better represent you. I will be holding two “Yousef and You” forums this month where anyone in our district can come to get an update on legislative issues, ask questions, and participate in open discussion. I hope many of you will be able to join me there.

The next Yousef and You forums will be:

Monday, Feb. 10
6 p.m. Argus Farm Stop (cellar), 1200 Packard St. in Ann Arbor

Saturday, Feb. 22
10 a.m.
Community Room, RoosRoast Coffee, 1155 Rosewood St. in Ann Arbor



State Representative Yousef Rabhi

53rd District (Ann Arbor)