Our Bodies, Our Lives — 1931 Repeal & Reproductive Health Act

We have made a mark on history and will continue working to uplift all people and protect the rights they need and deserve by ensuring everyone has full bodily autonomy.

  • We repealed the archaic 1931 criminal abortion ban in line with Proposal 3. This means doctors and nurses won’t be at risk of criminal charges for providing the health care Michiganders need.
  • We passed the Reproductive Health Act to ensure that all people in Michigan actually have the ability to access their reproductive rights and make the decision that’s right for them about if, when and how to start or grow a family. The act repealed medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion providers aimed at limiting access to reproductive health care. 

Your Choice, Your Health, Your Family, Your Success

The choice is yours — we’ve guaranteed that. House Dems have worked hard to introduce legislation that encompasses all people and considered all family types. We’ve introduced legislation to help support the health, wellness and aspirations of Michigan women and mothers, including bills to support maternal and infant health; provide family protection for surrogacy; and make sure women are receiving the support they need.

  • Maternal and Infant Health Package 

The United States has the highest rate of maternal deaths compared with other high-income countries and is the only one in that group where maternal mortality rates are rising. Not only that, maternal deaths are the highest amongst people of color. We are working to combat this disparity with the introduction of this legislation to protect Michigan mothers and children.

  • Surrogacy/Family Protection Act

House Dems passed bills to ensure proper legal protections are in place for Michigan families. This act ensures children born in Michigan have access to a secure legal relationship with their parents, which is vital to their well-being. Michigan’s existing law leaves many children born through assisted reproduction or surrogacy without clear legal protection and vulnerable to uncertainty regarding their legal status.

  • Campaign Funds for Child Care

Being a parent comes with a lot of responsibilities, and it can sometimes mean putting your personal or career goals on hold. We’ve introduced legislation that would allow campaign funds to be used for child-care expenses during the campaign cycle, providing a benefit for  parents who otherwise could not afford to run for office while still having to pay for child care. Women often do not enter campaigns on an equal playing field with male candidates, because the burden of parenthood, especially when kids are young, falls more heavily on mothers. This legislation empowers those who wish to fulfill a dream that may be challenging otherwise.

  • Domestic Abuse Protections 

The uneasy reality is that 1 in 4 women are survivors of domestic violence. Most domestic violence crimes are classified as misdemeanors, allowing those convicted of domestic violence the opportunity to access a deadly weapon. We passed bills to change that in 2023. The new laws limit convicted abusers from accessing firearms for a number of years after their sentence. These bills will help keep women and survivors better protected in our communities.

  • Free School Meals

Michigan students now receive free breakfast and lunch at our public schools! Because we made breakfast and lunch universal, we’re also erasing the painful stigma that so often comes with receiving food assistance, ensuring that every student — especially those in the greatest need — takes advantage of free meals. Providing free breakfast and lunch will ensure that, throughout the week, hundreds of thousands more children in our state have the nutrition they need to learn. This means fewer behavioral problems and higher educational attainment, putting more kids on the path to happy, healthy and prosperous lives, while diminishing the stress and worry on Michigan parents.

  • Michigan Child Marriage Ban 

About 95% of child marriages are between girls and adult men. It was long past time that Michigan banned child marriage, so House Dems did. Legislation was signed into law to finally ban child marriage in the state of Michigan, protecting our children and ensuring girls have a future that is theirs. I am committed to eliminating harmful, abusive practices to ensure that girls are protected and their futures are bright.

  • Oral Chemo Care

The most common cancer among women is breast cancer. Treatment options for this diagnosis can be vast, with chemotherapy being one of the most popular. Chemotherapy received at a hospital or clinic is billed as a service, making it cheaper than chemotherapy taken orally at home and billed as a drug. We passed a bill that provides parity for those fighting cancer when it comes to the cost and convenience of their treatment, ensuring that the cost does not differ due to whatever method they choose.