State Representative
Matt Koleszar
Plymouth | 22nd House District
Serving 91,654 constituents in S Northville, NW/C/NE/SE Northville Township, Plymouth, E/C Plymouth Township, W/SW Livonia
(517) 373-0854
Office: N-786 House Office Building
Matt Koleszar IN THE NEWS
Koleszar on launch of Futures for Frontliners program
“The COVID-19 pandemic caused us to rethink the way we value certain professions, as many previously underappreciated essential workers have [...]
Koleszar on DeVos refusing to grant federal testing waivers
LANSING, Mich., Sept. 9, 2020 — U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos recently notified State Superintendent Dr. Michael Rice and [...]
House Dems Introduce Legislation to Affirm Marriage Equality in Michigan
Twenty-nine Democratic representatives are introducing 54 bills (HBs 6045-6098) and a House joint resolution (HJR T) to bring Michigan law [...]